Shark Bits: Barracuda and Great White

Shark Week has come and gone, but they remain one of the most interesting marine animals to many. Here are two quick Shark bits (or bites?) on the Barracuda and the Great White.

Beware the Barracuda

The Barracuda Fish is a big carnivorous salt water fish in the “ray-fish” family. The barracuda can grow for as long as 6 ft and reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. There are over 25 species of barracuda world wide. Barracudas live mostly in the warm tropical and sub tropical oceans, however, there are some species that do live in brackish water.

The shades of the barracudas are largely dark green, dark blue, or grayish or silver colored hews to the upper body. A white under side helps with a barracudas camouflage by, blending in with all the day. Some species of barracuda have markings, including a row of dark colored lines or black spots.

Many barracuda species are largely solitary as adults. Nevertheless, young or adolescent barracudas may be viewed often congregating. A barracudas chief source of food is non-predatory fish. Given a barracudas ferocious temper, fish as big, and even larger then themselves, aren’t much of a problem. Just from barracudas: by tearing off chunks of meat’s prey do they as sharks attack. Barracudas are also scavengers and are known to follow sharks to find scraps that have been left behind.

The barracuda has earned a reputation for being dangerous to individuals. Strikes on people can be very acute and are much like a small shark bite. Most under water barracuda attacks on an individual is normally non-deliberate and caused due to “glossy” objects such as rings and watches.

The Great White Shark

The Great White Shark is, to the heads of many, the best predator. It flies throughout the atmosphere in sharknadoes eats beachgoers, and is usually viewed as the eating machine that is perfect. But for something else it is simply a bite.

Here is that which we understand. “Shark Alpha”, a nine-foot-long female Great White, was labeled within a job to monitor shark migrations across the shore of Australia. All well and good, right? Well, four months later, the shore is washed on by her label.

Basically, the label (as well as the shark attached to it) rocketed down the side. It swam, or was pulled, the temperature as well as 1900 feet went up thirty degrees around it. The ocean does not normally have “warm pockets” at that depth, thus about the one and only method to unexpectedly get that warm is to be jammed into something. Like, say, you get into its gullet’s belly and stuffed down it.

The label remained in the digestive tract before being expelled to the top. Which raises two questions: Just what the hell is effective at doing this, and do things always occur in Australia?

We don’t have any response but the theory is the fact that it’s the recently discovered giant squid, which seems to be an aggressive feeder and is proven to take whales when it gets large enough on. But that is the initial evidence which they linger 300 feet approximately in the surface as opposed to remaining in the devastating black depths where they damn well go, and eat freaking Great White sharks.

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